Title of film
The Assassin
Plot synopsis
The film is about betrayal between a gang member and his gang. In this film he is out for the kill, he is going around and killing people who have betrayed him. He does this by hanging them and leaving a mark on the neck of his victims. The reason he is killing these people is that they have gone against him, betrayed him and he doesn’t like it.
There is a well known, successful police officer who has a reputaion for solving murder cases. Although he has very little to go on, the mark is a significant clue. Eventually the killer becomes clumsy and the crucial link is made.
Opening sequences
The image we are going to get across at the beginning is that there is a serial killer working his way through a hit list of victims. Photo images are seen to add visual effect: the killer is seen scribbling out individual faces from the photo. The mark is also seen in close up – the gang signature. The film is in black and white apart from bloody images which is red.
The title and the names of the actors and production team are shown as part of the opening sequence.
Creative techniques
We have an establishing shot when we go to the crime scene to show the audience what has happened at this crime scene. We will also have a medium shot of the serial killer but we wont see his face because in the room it ill be dark and you will only see his hand manly. Close up and a p.o.v also an over the shoulder shot of the killer and over the shoulder shot of the killer ticking the book. We are having a lot of high angle shots and low angle shots of the killer and the cop. Finely we will be using zoom in most of power shot to crate the effect of the film noir.
Founding for film
We will ask the lottery to give us some money for the film we are doing. http://www.ukfilmcouncil.org.uk/funding this is also the founding we are happen to get. This would be an opportunity to get it into festivals.
Brief overview of the film
The mysterious signature.
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